Dudul_alone’s Blog

Mei 16, 2009

history Ashley Tisdale

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220px-Ashley_Tisdale_cropAshley Michelle Tisdale (born July 2, 1985) is an American actress, singer, songwriter and television producer. Tisdale gained her first major role as an actress in 2005 when she played the role of Maddie Fitzpatrick in Disney’s The Suite Life of Zack & Cody. She went on to appear in the High School Musical film series as the female antagonist Sharpay Evans. She made music history by becoming the first female artist to debut with two songs simultaneously on the Billboard Hot 100 with “What I’ve Been Looking For” and “Bop to the Top“.

After her first Emmy-winning High School Musical performance, she pursued a solo music career and on February 6, 2007, she released her debut album Headstrong. The album debuted at number five on the U.S. charts, selling over 64,000 copies in the first week, and was later certified Gold. Tisdale has a supporting role as Candace Flynn in Disney Channel’s Phineas and Ferb. Tisdale is working on her second studio album, Guilty Pleasure which is scheduled to be released in June 16, 2009. Tisdale will be starring in Aliens in the Attic, which will be released on July 31, 2009.

Kemenangan Satria Muda Hadiah Ultah terindah Bagi Miller

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Kemenangan Satria Muda, Indonesia, melawan Al Arabi Qatar, pada babak penyisihan FIBA Asia Championship Cup 2009 di Arena Britama Kelapa Gading Sport Mall, Jakarta, Jumat malam, sebagai hadiah ulang tahun bari Nakiea Jovon Miller.

“Kebetulan hari ini, Miller berulang tahun sehingga Kemenangan kami (Satria Muda) malam ini, menjadi hadiah ulang tahun bagi Miller,” ungkap Pelatih Satria Muda, Fictor Gideon Rorin, usai pertandingan.

Pemain asal Amerika Serikat itu, kata Fictor Gideon Rorin, menjadi motivator timnya.

“Miller menanmpilkan permainan terbaik malam ini. Dia menjadi salah satu motivator sehingga kami bisa memenangi pertandingan ini,” kata Pelatih Satria Muda tersebut.

Ia berharap, kemenangan atas Al Arabi tersebut menjadi langkah awal untuk membangkitkan semangat timnya saat menghadapi Young Cagers, India yang akan berlangsung Sabtu, 16 Mei 2009.

“Secara kualitas, tim Al Arabi lebih baik. Namun, perjuangan anak-anak malam ini sungguh luar biasa sehingga mereka bisa tampil percaya diri dan berhasil mengalahkan lawan,”ujarnya.

Sementara, Nakiea Jovon Miller mengaku puas atas kemenangan itu sehingga membuka peluang Satria Muda untuk maju ke babak berikutnya.

“Saya sangat senang dengan penampilan tim kami malam ini. Kemenangan ini sekaligus menjadi hadiah bagi saya,” ujar Miller.

Ia mengakui para pemain Al Arabi juga bermain cukup baik, hanya saja kata Miller, anak asuh David Ingham tersebut kurang beruntung.

“Mereka telah memenangkan dua kali pertandingan sebelumnya dan kami mengakui secara kualitas pemain Al Arabi lebih baik. Namun, berkat kerja keras teman-teman dan dukungan penonton kami berhasil tampil lebih percaya diri,”katanya.

Terkait persiapan timnya saat menghadapi Young Cagers, India, pemain Asal Amerika Serikat yang berhasil menyumbang 23 poin, 21 diantaranya rebound dan satu asssit bagi Satria Muda itu mengaku akan melakukan serangan lebih agresif.

“Kami harus melakukan inisiatif dan lebih agresif untuk memenangkan pertandingan tersebut,” ungkap Miller.

Restoran di kapal VOC

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Di tengah hiruk pikuknya persaingan informasi akibat kecanggihan teknologi, ternyata masih ada generasi muda yang peduli dan merindukan mengetahui sejarah nenek moyang yang nyaris tergilas oleh kemajuan zaman.

Salah satu peninggalan sejarah bernilai tinggi di kawasan pelabuhan Sunda Kelapa, kota tua Batavia di Kecamatan Penjaringan, Jakarta utara tak lama lagi akan dipromosikan oleh anak cucu keturunan Betawi dan etnis China.

Galangan Vereenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie (VOC) adalah bangunan bersejarah pada abad 17-18 Masehi sebagai tempat galangan atau lebih dikenal dengan galangan kapal VOC di Bandar Sunda Kelapa, kota tua di Jakarta Utara.

Zaman dulu galangan kapal itu tempat bongkar- muat barang sekaligus dijadikan bengkel untuk memperbaiki kapal besar internasional yang singgah di kawasan itu.

Sisa-sisa bangunan yang terbuat dari kayu pada abad ke 17 itu, sekarang mulai direnovasi dengan dana pribadi. Renovasi gedung bekas galangan kapal VOC itu dimulai tahun 1997 dan selesai tahun 2000.

Salah seorang penggagas renovasi banguan tua itu, Susilawati mengatakan, bangunan tua bersejarah tinggi itu, erat hubungannya dengan sebuah peninggalan sejarah di lingkungan Sunda Kelapa dan disekitarnya juga terdapat Museum Bahari.

Semua itu sebagai satu kesatuan tempat yang mencerminkan peristiwa tempo doeloe pernah menjadi ajang berbagai kegiatan bersejarah di sekitar pelabuhan Sunda kelapa yang perlu dilestarikan.

Menurut Susilawati , kegiatan yang akan dilakukan di eks galangan VOC itu adalah pelestarian seni budaya Indonesia, khususnya seni budaya Betawi, seminar, diskusi dan memamerkan kaligrafi China dan pameran lukisan lainnya.

Lokasi itu juga akan dilengkapi dengan “restoran VOC modern” dengan menampilkan berbagai interior gaya tempo dulu termasuk tiang kayu usianya ratusan tahun.

Kendala promosi

Ditengah semangat menggali seni budaya sejarah itu, banyak liku-liku dan tantangan menjadi sandungan, terutama kurangnya sarana dan dana sebagai pendukung, disamping itu galangan VOC belum dikenal.

Belum adanya kerja sama dengan Dinas Pariwisata DKI, untuk menjadikan tempat itu sebagai salah satu tujuan wisata. Namun demikian masalah itu akan diselesaikan melalui koordinasi dengan berbagai pihak.

“Kami akan menata kembali sekilas sejarah Galangan kapal VOC itu, dalam rangka menggali sejarah budaya Indonesia sejak abad 18 Masehi sampai sekarang,” ujar Susilawati.

Di lokasi itu nantinya akan dipamerkan buku katalog lintas sejarah budaya Indonesia yang ditulis dalam tiga bahasa yakni Bahasa Indonesia, Inggeris dan Bahasa Mandarin.

Selain itu, katanya, melakukan kerja sama dengan Society Of Betawi(SOB) salah satu organisasi pendukung budaya pariwisata Betawi untuk mempromosikan galangan VOC tersebut.

Gedung itu nantinya, juga akan digunakan tempat acara kesenian rutin dari berbagai daerah, khususnya kesenian Betawi dan etnik China di lingkungan Jakarta, tambahnya.

Arie Abieta dari PT Karya Ceudah Sinema dalam proposalnya mengatakan, promosi penggalian sejarah budaya galangan kapal VOC itu, untuk mengangkat kejayaan sejarah yang pernah gemilang sekitar 300 tahun silam.

Keberadaan galangan VOC sebagai gerbang dunia pada zamannya itu tahap pertama akan dibuat dalam bentuk visualisasi.

Tujuannya agar menjadi tontonan sekaligus tuntunan kebesaran sejarah bangsa dengan segala keindonesiaannya, Visual sejarah itu nantinya akan menggambarkan berbagai catatan otentik dari peninggalan sejarah yang memiliki hitoris panjang.

“Kami akan mebuat judul”Kilas balik galangan VOC-catatan sejarah bangsa yang gemilang”, diharapkan mampu menggiring anak banga lebih tertanam rasa kebangsaan yang tinggi,” jelasnya.

Menurut sejarah, katanya, saat Jakarta masih bernama Batavia galangan kapal masih berdiri jaya, wilayahnya diberi nama Pasar Ikan, karena menjadi pusat perdagangan utama di Asia.

Ada juga menyebutkan hampir selama dua abad wilayah ini perupakan urat nadi suatu jaringan niaga yang terentang dari Pulau Decima di Nagasaki(Japan) sampai Cape Town(Afrika Selatan) dan dari Ternate hingga Bandar Surat di Pantai Teluk Arab.

Galangan Kapal VOC merupakan salah satu unsur pendukung yang amat penting bagi jaringan niaga se dunia, dengan armada kapal-kapal layar, Di tempat itu seluruh kapal berukuran kecil dan besar melakukan kegiatan bongkar muat, setelah mengarungi lautan Pasifik, Hindia serta Atlantik.

Kapal-kapal itu sebelum ke pelabuhan Sunda Kelapa, lebih dulu singgah di pelabuhan Amsterdam, Nagasaki hingga Hormuz(Pesia) dan Pulau Banda.

pameran batik ibu obama

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Indonesia melalui kedutaan besarnya di Washington D.C akan menggelar serangkaian pameran batik Indonesia yang merupakan koleksi pribadi ibunda presiden AS Barack Obama, Ann Dunham. Ann Dunham dikenal sebagai sosok yang memiliki ketertarikan mendalam terhadap seni batik Indonesia. Menurut keterangan KBRI Washington D.C, selama tinggal di Indonesia, Ann Dunham memiliki koleksi batik dari beberapa daerah di Indonesia.

Batik-batik koleksi Ann itu akan berkeliling ke beberapa wilayah di Amerika Serikat mulai 16 Mei hingga 23 Agustus 2009, demikian keterangan yang dihimpun dari Kedubes RI di Washington. Rangkaian pameran batik Indonesia di AS tersebut akan diakhiri dengan pameran di Washington D.C. yang akan ditandai dengan penyelenggaraan “gala dinner” pada 8 Agustus 2009 oleh Dubes RI dan Kepala Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal (BKPM).  Pada acara tersebut akan hadir sang tamu khusus, yaitu Maya Soetoro Ng.

Melalui tema “A Lady Found A Culture: Barack Obama’s Mother in Indonesia”, pameran yang digelar oleh KBRI Washington D.C bekerja sama dengan keluarga adik Presiden Obama, Maya Sutoro Ng, itu akan diadakan secara berturut-turut di enam kota besar di AS, yaitu Chicago (17-21 Mei di Drake Hotel Chicago), Los Angeles (1-4 Juni di KJRI Los Angeles), San Francisco (9-11 Juni di Wisma Indonesia), Houston (2-5 Juli di KJRI Houston), New York (21-24 Juli di Waldorf Astoria), dan di Washington D.C. (9-23 Agustus di Textile Museum).

Acara pembukaan rangkaian pameran  batik Ann Dunham di Chicago pada tanggal 16 Mei 2009 akan dihadiri antara lain oleh Menteri Perdagangan RI, Mari E. Pangestu, Duta Besar RI untuk AS Sudjadnan Parnohadiningrat dan Sekretaris Negara Bagian Illinois.    Sementara acara pembukaan pameran di Los Angeles dan San Francisco, direncanakan akan menampilkan peragaan busana batik kontemporer Indonesia koleksi Ramli yang didukung oleh Kabupaten Sampang, Madura.

History Kelly Clarkson

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Kelly ClarksonKelly Brianne Clarkson (born April 24, 1982) is an American pop singer, songwriter, and occasional actress. Clarkson made her debut under RCA Records after she won the highly-publicized first season of the television series American Idol in 2002.

She was originally marketed as a pop musician with her debut album Thankful (2003). With the release of her multi-platinum second album, Breakaway (2004), Clarkson moved to a more rock-oriented style of music.[1] Clarkson’s third album, entitled My December, was released on June 26, 2007. According to Sony Music, Clarkson has sold over 20 million albums worldwide.[2] Clarkson has had eight of her singles become Top ten hits on the Billboard Hot 100. Her first three albums sold over 9.5 million copies in the United States.[3] In 2008, she joined VH1’s list of 10 sexiest women of the new millennium at #8. She also hit #28 on Vh1’s Top 30 Hottest Rock Front Women. As of 2008 she is one of the 10 most played artists on adult contemporary radio. Clarkson’s fourth album titled All I Ever Wanted was released on March 10, 2009, and debuted at #1 on the Billboard 200. Her single, “My Life Would Suck Without You“, advanced from No. 97 to No. 1 on the Hot 100 in its first week of release, breaking the record for the largest leap to the position in chart history.[4][5] She is currently the only American Idol contestant to have reached number one in the UK. She claimed number one on March 1, 2009 when “My Life Would Suck Without You” debuted number one on downloads alone.

Clarkson has sold over 10.1 million albums in the United States, becoming the highest-selling Idol winner. According to Nielsen SoundScan, Clarkson is also ranked on the top 200 album sellers of the Nielsen SoundScan era at number 187.


Kelly Brianne Clarkson was born in Fort Worth, Texas and grew up in the small town of Burleson, Texas, a suburb of Fort Worth. She is the third and youngest child of Jeanne Rose, a first grade teacher, and Stephen Michael Clarkson, a former engineer. She is of part Greek ancestry.[7] Clarkson’s siblings include her older brother Jason, and her older sister Alyssa. When Clarkson was six years old, her parents split up after seventeen years of marriage. As a result, Jason went to live with her father, Alyssa went to live with an aunt, and Clarkson remained with her mother. Clarkson frequently moved around Texas while her mother managed several professions in order to support the family. The family settled in Burleson, where Clarkson’s mother married her second husband, Jimmy Taylor.[8]

Clarkson’s family struggled financially, and music became her refuge after the first divorce. Clarkson attended Pauline G Hughes Middle School and Burleson High School, originally aiming to become a marine biologist. In seventh grade, a teacher (Mrs. Cynthia Glenn) overheard her singing in a hallway and asked her to audition for the school choir. Clarkson told the teacher that she had never received professional vocal training. In high school, Clarkson performed in musicals such as Annie Get Your Gun, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers and Brigadoon. Around this time, Clarkson decided to pursue singing. She sang at her high school talent show, after which a gentleman shared some inspiring words with her: “God has given you this gift. You’ve got to sing. You’re destined to sing.” Clarkson did continue to sing and soon started classical training, hoping that music would be her ticket to a college scholarship.[9]

Clarkson worked numerous odd jobs during and after high school, such as mowing lawns, helping her contractor stepfather build porches, and working in a movie theater starting at age 16 and until she moved to Los Angeles. She also worked for Papa John’s, Subway, Six Flags Over Texas, Starbucks, and sold vacuums door to door (her latter experience which she described with a well-intended pun: “It sucked.”).[9] She attended Crestmont Baptist Church in Burleson during her high school years.

Upon high school graduation, Clarkson was offered full scholarships to The University of Texas at Austin, University of North Texas, and Berklee, but decided against college because she had “already written so much music and wanted to try it on her own. And she figured you’re never too old to go to college.


(acting roles only)

Year Film / Show Role Episode
2002 Sabrina the Teenage Witch as an extra The Whole Ball Of Wax
2002 That 80’s Show as an extra Valentine’s Day (S1, Ep2)
2002 Issues 101 Crystal (as an extra) Theatrical Film
2002 MADtv Herself / Skits Season 8, Ep 1
2003 From Justin to Kelly Kelly Taylor Theatrical Film
2003 American Dreams Brenda Lee And Promises To Keep
2004 American Dreams Brenda Lee Tidings of Comfort and Joy
2004 King of the Hill Herself / Dawn Stressed For Success
2005 Saturday Night Live Herself / Skits / Musical Guest Host – Jason Bateman
2007 Reba Kelly And We Forgive Those
2009 Saturday Night Live[61] Herself / Musical Guest Host – Tracy Morgan

Mei 15, 2009

kumpulan puisi

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Mei 13, 2009

history Bonnie Wright

Filed under: Uncategorized — by bloganku @ 7:18 am

Bonnie Kathleen Wright (born 17 February 1991) is an English actress, best known for her role in the Harry Potter films as Ginny Weasley

bonnie wright


Bonnie Wright was born in London, the daughter of Sheila Teague and Gary Wright, two jewellery designers who together run their own company, Wright & Teague. She has an older brother named Lewis.

Wright enjoys dance, art, travelling and playing musical instruments, like the piano and recorder, as well as sports such as football, swimming, tennis, riding, ice skating, surfing, ringette, cycling and athletics


Year Format Title Role
2011 Film Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2 Ginny Weasley
2010 Film Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1
2009 Film Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
2007 Video Game Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Film Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
TV The Replacements Vanessa (voice only)
2005 Film Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Ginny Weasley
2004 Film Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
TV Agatha Christie: A Life in Pictures Young Agatha Christie
2002 Film Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Ginny Weasley
TV Stranded Young Sarah Robinson
2001 Film Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone Ginny Weasley

profil David Archuleta

Filed under: Uncategorized — by bloganku @ 7:11 am
Nama lahir David James Archuleta
Lahir 28 Desember 1990 (umur 18)
Miami, Florida
Asal Murray, Utah, United States
Genre Pop, Soul, R&B
Pekerjaan Penyanyi
Instrumen Piano
Tahun aktif 2003 – kini
Perusahaan rekaman Jive Records

Kehidupan Awal

220px-David_ArchuletaDavid Archuleta lahir di Miami, Florida. Ayahnya, Jeff Archuleta adalah seorang pemusik jazz, sedangkan ibunya, Lupe Marie Archuleta ialah seorang penyanyi dan penari yang berasal dari Honduras. Pada usia enam tahun ia dan keluarganya berpindah ke Salt Lake Valley, Sandy, Utah. Sekarang ia dan keluarganya tinggal di Murray, Utah. David Archuleta memiliki empat saudara, Claudia (18), Daniel (14), Jazzy (11) dan Amber (9). David Archuleta masih tercatat sebagai murid Murray High School.

David Archuleta dibesarkan di keluarga yang mencintai musik. Pada usia enam tahun Ia mulai bernyanyi setelah menonton video Les Miserables. Ia tidak dapat berhenti menyanyikan lagu-lagu Les Miserables setelah menonton video tersebut, saat itulah ayahnya, Jeff, mengetahui bahwa anaknya memiliki bakat alami sebagai penyanyi.

Pada usia sepuluh tahun, David menyanyi untuk pertama kalinya dihadapan publik. Ia mengikuti kompetisi menyanyi Utah dan menyanyikan lagu Dolly Parton yang berjudul “ I Will Always Love You “, Ia memperoleh sambutan yang sangat meriah dari penduduk Utah yang menontonnya dan menjuarai kategori anak-anak. Di usia sebelas tahun ia memulai debutnya di televisi pada Jenny Jones Shows dalam episode future latino stars dengan menyanyikan lagu “ And I telling You I’m Not Going”

David Archuleta pernah mengalami kerusakan pita suara akibat penyakit bronkhitis yang menyerangnya setelah ia mengikuti Star Search. Salah satu pita suaranya lumpuh, yang mengakibatnya ia terdengar seperti kesulitan bernafas apabila bernyanyi ataupun berbicara. David pernah ditawari untuk melakukan operasi, tetapi operasi tesebut terlalu beresiko sehingga David memutuskan tidak akan melakukan operasi. Kini Ia merasa bahwa ia telah sembuh total dari penyakitnya.

American Idol

Berdasarkan eBook milik Dean Kaelin “ An Insider View “ Sebenarnya Ia tidak yakin bahwa David memutuskan untuk mengikuti audisi American Idol musim ketujuh. Walau akhirnya David memutuskan untuk mengikuti audisi di kota San Diego, California yang diselengarakan pada tanggal 30 Juli dan 31 Juli 2007. David menyanyikan lagu Waiting On The World To Change milik John Mayer.

Walau ia sempat lupa lirik pada pertengahan lagu, akan tetapi ketiga juri sepakat bahwa David layak mendapatkan tiket emas menuju Hollywood. Saat mengahadiri wawancara di Larry King Live, David mengutarakan bahwa ia tidak lolos pada seleksi pertama oleh produser American Idol, tetapi saat ia dan ayahnya bersiap untuk pulang, ia dipanggil kembali dan diijinkan mengikuti tahap berikutnya, yaitu bernyanyi di hadapan Randy Jackson, Paula Abdul dan Simon Cowell.


Kumpulan fans David Archuleta sering disebut sebagai Arch Angels atau Archies. Selain itu fans David berasal dari berbagai negara di dunia. Indonesia salah satunya. David sangat menghargai fansnya, sebagai tandanya setiap selesai menampilkan sebuah lagu, David akan menyimpan tangannya di bagian atas dada sebagai tanda bahwa ia selalu mengingat dukungan para Arch Angels. Selain itu banyak sekali situs-situs yang didedikasikan untuk David Archuleta.

history Ralph Fiennes

Filed under: Uncategorized — by bloganku @ 7:05 am
Ralph Fiennes
Full/Alt. names
Ralph Nathaniel Fiennes, Ralph Nathaniel Twisleton-Wykeham Fiennes
Date of Birth
Saturday December 22 1962
Suffolk (England)


6a00e54ee18b79883400e550b31efb8833-800wiA magnetic stage actor with England’s National Theatre and Royal Shakespeare Company, Ralph Fiennes earned particular favor in America for a string of unforgettable performances in several prominent dramas in the 1990s. The British performer announced his arrival after receiving critical raves and an Oscar nomination for his horrifying, yet complex human portrayal of Amon Goeth, commandant of the Nazi concentration camp at Plaszow, in Steven Spielberg’s acclaimed Holocaust epic, “Schindler’s List” (1993). He followed that triumph with another complex historical performance, playing a controversial game show champ in the acclaimed drama, Quiz Show (1994). After delivering some of his finest performances in “The English Patient” (1996), “The End of the Affair” (1999) and “Sunshine” (2000), Fiennes had made his mark, assuring that he would be viewed by moviegoers as the quintessential tortured soul. Though some complained that his doomed-lover act had worn thin, most critics and audiences praised him for his understated, multi-layered performances, particularly in the exemplary political romance, The Constant Gardener (2005), which solidified Fiennes as one of the finest talents of his generation to emerge from Britain.

Born on Dec. 22, 1962 in Suffolk, England, Fiennes was raised by his father, Mark, a farmer and photographer, and his mother, Jennifer Lash, author of The Burial (1961), The Dust Collector (1979) and Blood Ties (1998). Fiennes first exposure to acting was seeing Laurence Olivier in Henry V (1944), but the thought of becoming an actor himself came later in life. Meanwhile, he attended Bishop Wordsworths School in Salisbury, then studied painting at the Chelsea College of Art and Design in London. It was at Chelsea that Fiennes discovered his true calling after playing Romeo in an amateur production of Shakespeares Romeo & Juliet. A year later, he left Chelsea to attend the prestigious Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, where he learned his craft from 1982-85 and met his future wife, Alex Kingston. In 1987, Fiennes joined Michael Rudmans company at the National Theatre, then two years later joined the Royal Shakespeare Company, where he earned acclaim in productions of “Henry VI,” “Troilus and Cressida,” “King Lear” and “Love’s Labour’s Lost.

It was inevitable that an actor of Fiennes talent and caliber would find his way onto the big screen. After leaving the RSC in 1990, he made his official onscreen debut in the made-for-television movie, Prime Suspect, which aired in England in 1991, then appeared in his first feature soon after, playing the vengeance-minded Heathcliff opposite Juliette Binoches Cathy in Emily Bronte’s ‘Wuthering Heights'” (1991). The film was widely panned by British critics and received only very limited release in the UK, eventually surfacing in America on TNT in 1994. Also little seen were Peter Greenaway’s controversial “The Baby of Macon” (1993) and the morality play “The Cormorant” (1993), though the actor delivered fine performances in both. Fiennes made his big breakthrough in Steven Spielbergs Schindlers List (1993), playing Commandant Amon Goeth, the slovenly Nazi overseer of the Plaszow Concentration Camp, who makes a sport of shooting Jewish prisoners from his balcony. Goeths unrelenting cruelty eventually helps spur German businessman Oscar Schindler (Liam Neeson) to use his ammunition factory to keep Jews from being sent to the concentration camps. Alongside the film itself, Fiennes earned numerous awards and nominations, including a nod for Best Actor in a Supporting Role at the Academy Awards.

Fiennes scored another critical success with his portrayal of Charles Van Doren, the charming college professor who became a willing participant in the rigging of the television game show, Twenty One (NBC, 1956-58), in Robert Redfords superb drama, Quiz Show (1994). Another in a series of dark characters, the intensely private actor was miscast as Lenny, a sleazy dealer of high-tech contraband, in the dud of a futuristic thriller “Strange Days” (1995). Also that year, Fiennes won a Tony Award for his portray of the melancholy Dane in Hamlet the only actor to have won the award for that role on Broadway. In a more successful matching of actor and character, Fiennes landed the title role in Anthony Minghella’s brilliant adaptation of “The English Patient” (1996), the Oscar-winning epic drama set in the waning days of World War II. For half the film, Fiennes was virtually unrecognizable as a pilot horribly burned in a plane crash, though he effectively used his eyes and voice as he conveys his story to a Canadian Nurse (Juliette Binoche) caring for him in an Italian monastery. In the flashback sequences, however, Fiennes radiated sexual chemistry with co-star Kristin Scott Thomas. For his richly nuanced work in the epic, Fiennes earned a Best Actor Oscar nomination.

He was again clad in period garb to play an eccentric English clergyman with a penchant for gambling in Gillian Armstrong’s “Oscar and Lucinda” (1997). With his hair dyed bright red, Fiennes offered a wonderful turn as a “holy fool” who demonstrates his repressed love for an heiress (Cate Blanchett) by building a glass church in Australia. Donning a bowler and wielding an umbrella, Fiennes stepped into Patrick Macnee’s shoes as John Steed in the disastrous big screen version of “The Avengers” (1998). He was back to more dour territory starring in “Onegin” (1999), directed by his sister Martha and adapted from the Pushkin novel of the same name. Once again Fiennes, played a world-weary man pursuing a married lover, this time the younger sister (Liv Tyler) of his friend and neighbor (Toby Stephens), whom he kills in a duel after insulting him. Continuing his penchant for period fare, Fiennes essayed the role of a heartbroken writer longing for his best friends wife (Julianne Moore) after she breaks off their brief romance in The End of the Affair” (1999), adapted from Graham Greenes novel about obsession and intrigue during World War II.

As the new millennium came around, Fiennes seemed to have lost some of the luster he had accumulated in the previous decade, particularly in regards to the quality of films he chose. He entered the decade with a seamless execution of three principle roles in “Sunshine” (2000), an ambitious epic that traced the fascinating saga of one Hungarian Jewish family in Budapest against the backdrop of three calamitous political regimes stretching from the late 19th Century through 1960. During the course of the three-hour historical epic, Fiennes deftly played the distinct characters of the grandfather, father and grandson of the family. In a departure from his patented bitter romantic roles, Fiennes voiced Jesus in the Claymation movie “The Miracle Maker” (ABC, 2000), which depicted the latter part of Christs life as told through the perspective of a child. This marked the second time Fiennes lent his voice to a biblical cartoon character, having voiced Rameses to Val Kilmer’s Moses in the animated musical “The Prince of Egypt” (1998), in which he even warbled the song “The Plagues” on the film’s soundtrack.

Despite his busy film schedule, Fiennes managed to maintain his stage roots with periodic returns to the theater. He forged an alliance with Jonathan Kent’s Alameida Theatre in England, where he premiered his “Hamlet” in 1995 before moving it to Broadway later that year. While reviewers faulted the overall production, the leading actor won raves for his dynamic portrait of the Melancholy Dane and was crowned with a Best Actor Tony Award at season’s end. Fiennes seemed perfectly cast in the angst-ridden part of “Ivanov,” starring in David Hare’s new version of the Chekhov classic in 1997, and he received excellent notices for his performances of the title characters in the Shakespeare double act of “Richard II” and “Coriolanus” at the old Gainsborough Studios and Brooklyn’s Academy of Music in 2000.

After several stage triumphs, including starring in “The Talking Cure” (2002) at London’s National Theatre, followed by a run with the Royal Shakespeare Company in the title role of Ibsen’s Brand, Fiennes was back onscreen again with more high-profile roles. He starred in “Red Dragon” (2002), playing the vicious tattooed serial killer Francis Dolarhyde pursued by an ex-FBI agent (Edward Norton) with the help of Dr. Hannibal Lecter (Anthony Hopkins). After starring opposite Jennifer Lopez in the romantic comedy “Maid in Manhattan” (2002), he was tapped by director David Cronenberg for his psychological thriller, “Spider” (2002), in which he played an institutionalized schizophrenic who attempts to return to mainstream London. Following a brief absence from the screen, he returned with “The Constant Gardener” (2005), director Fernando Meirelles’ gripping adaptation of the John le Carre novel, in which Fiennes played a genial British diplomat in Africa who is shaken out of his complacency when his politically outspoken wife (Rachel Weisz) is murdered amid suspicious circumstances, prompting him to try to tear open the secret conspiracy she was investigating that involved the pharmaceutical industry. Thanks to Fiennes’ perfectly measured portrayal of a man forced to completely transform his character through the course of the film, le Carre’s meticulously plotted potboiler was elevated to an engrossing, moving and poetic view of unfolding human drama set against a chaotic African backdrop.

Less intense, but equally entertaining was his vocal turn as Victor Quartermaine, the rival to the cheese-loving inventor and his faithful dog in “Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit” (2005). In The Chumscrubber (2005), Fiennes played the benevolent mayor of a small town filled with angst-ridden teenagers engaged in deviant activities drug dealing, suicide, kidnapping while their wine-soaked Stepford-like parents fail to notice anything amiss. Fiennes then joined the cast for the fourth installment in the box office juggernaut, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005), playing the evil Lord Voldemort, chief nemesis of young Potter (David Radcliffe) and murderer of his parents. Fiennes next starred in White Countess (2005), a period drama set in Shanghai in the late-1930s about the relationship between a disillusioned former US diplomat and a Russian countess. He next played a man urged by a political prisoner (Donald Sutherland) to overthrow the government of an unnamed country in the political satire Land of the Blind (2006), then reprised Voldemort for Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007). After playing the Duke of Devonshire opposite Keira Knightley in The Duchess (2008) which garnered him a 2008 Golden Globe nomination for supporting actor Fiennes earned an Emmy nomination for his performance as the gay, ingratiating butler of a wealthy tobacco heiress (Susan Sarandon) who wins her favor to become executor of her will in Bernard and Doris (HBO, 2008). Fiennes earned his second 2008 Golden Globe nomination for Best Performance by an Actor in the television miniseries and movie category.

history Michael Gambon

Filed under: Uncategorized — by bloganku @ 6:58 am

Sir Michael John Gambon, CBE (born 19 October 1940) is a Olivier Award-, and BAFTA Award-winning Irish[1] actor who has worked in theatre, television and film



Gambon was born in Dublin during World War II. His father, Edward Gambon, was an engineer and his mother, Mary Hoare[2] was a seamstress. His father decided to seek work in the rebuilding of London, and so the family moved to Mornington Crescent in north London, when Gambon was five. His father had him made a British citizen — a decision that would later allow Michael to receive an actual, rather than honorary, knighthood and CBE.[3] (although, under the British Nationality Act 1981 anyone born in Ireland before 1949 can still register as a British subject and, after five years’ UK residence, as a British citizen).

Raised a strict Catholic, he attended St Aloysius Boys’ School in Somers Town and served at the altar. He then moved to St Aloysius’ College in Hornsey Lane, Highgate, London, whose former pupils included Peter Sellers. He later attended a school in Kent, before leaving with no qualifications at fifteen. He then gained an apprenticeship with Vickers Armstrong as a toolmaker. By the time he was 21 he was a fully qualified engineer. He kept the job for a further year – acquiring a fascination and passion for collecting antique guns, clocks and watches, as well as classic cars.

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